Have you ever told a student to take a deep breath, and then they start hyperventilating? Or they breathe in, but don’t breathe out?Taking a deep breath is the first...
Abusers need help too. The abuse cycle is a very common response to stress and can lead to abusive behaviour. It is easier to avoid abusive behaviours if the abuser...
Anger is complex, and now viewed as a secondary emotion that all human beings experience and find confusing. Anger causes confusion because it is often viewed as a behaviour.
Bullying is universal. It crosses all age groups, nations, economies and societies. Bullies and their targets come in every shape and size. While bullying exists everywhere, theintensity and consequences of...
Anxiety is the most common mental illness. Our new poster can help deal with the long term solutions to anxiety, by helping to visualise some of the most common symptoms,...
Our newest poster based on the book “Dealing With People You Can’t Stand” by Dr. Rick Brinkman and Dr. Rick Kirschner covers the behaviours and ways of dealing with some...
Character is developed as we observe and listen to what parents, teachers, friends, and leaders do and say. Here is a visual way to introduce attributes of moral character in...
Explore a new way of defining intelligence.Uncover all your intelligences and learn ways to strengthen your weaknesses and exploit your talents using the theory of MI.